Privacy Policy

For United States citizens and those not specifically identified below, please see our Privacy Policy.

For our California customers, please see our California Notice at Collection, California Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Policy and California Consumer Privacy Act Policy.

For our Canadian customers, please see our Canadian Privacy Policy.

For our customers residing in a European Union member country, please see our European Union Privacy Policy.

For our customers residing in the United Kingdom, please see our United Kingdom Privacy Policy.

Website Privacy Policy

We recognize the privacy concerns of visitors to this website. The purpose of this website privacy policy is to inform website visitors about the information we collect through the website and the purposes for which this information might be used. All nonpublic personal information collected by BHGSS, including any such information collected through this website, is subject to BHGSS’ Privacy Policy, which can be found above.

Why Does BHGSS Request Personal Information from Me?

Through BHGSS’ website, you may request various kinds of information. For example, on one page, you may request information concerning your annuity contract. You may choose to submit a change form.

To assist us in fulfilling your request, we will ask you to submit certain limited personal information. We intend to use the information you provide only in the normal course of our business.

We do not provide any information to unaffiliated third parties for marketing purposes. We do not intend to use your personal information for any purpose other than what is described in our Privacy Policy and this Website Privacy Policy.

What Information Does BHGSS Collect About Me?

We only request limited amounts and types of information from visitors to our website. The nature of information we request will depend on the purpose for your visit to our website and will be evident from the page you are viewing. We do not collect specifically-identifiable personal information when you visit the website unless you choose to provide such information. Certain personal information is required, however, if you wish us to process certain types of transactions or requests, such as a request for benefit information, change requests, death notices, or payment verification.

Does BHGSS Use Cookies?

Certain portions of BHGSS's Website are only accessible by authorized users, and BHGSS collects limited cookie information for those portions of its website. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your hard drive. They enable you to use the website more efficiently by storing certain information that you provide. For those authorized-user portions of BHGSS's website, BHGSS will collect cookie information indicating whether the user is logged in or not. Finally, BHGSS uses cookies to help understand how users interact with its website and to help it improve the user experience.

Is My Information Secure?

BHGSS endeavors to handle your information in a secure manner and limits access to the information that you submit through its website. Our personnel adhere to high standards of ethics and integrity in performing their jobs and conducting the business of BHGSS.

We do not intend to share any of the personal information gathered from our website with any third party, except as specifically stated in our Privacy Policy, this Website Privacy Policy or as required by law.